Masterful Mindsets – Do your values and your success align?

“My Definition of Success: When your core values and self-concept are in harmony with your daily actions and behaviors.” ~ John Spence

Think about your greatest successes in life and what you value most. Odds are, if you are truly happy then your values and successes will be aligned. Why? Because what you focus on will be where you put your energy. Which is great if you can stay focused on what you value and believe in most. But sometimes, we don’t always live in congruence with what we value most and that is when things go astray. Because when you don’t live in congruence with what you value, your level of happiness can never be where you want it to be. And when you don’t stay focused on what’s most important to you, you’re likely to wake up one morning and realize that everything you’ve been working for is nothing that you really want. Or that will fill the void that you feel.

Reflecting back on my life as I celebrated my birthday last week… I know that my greatest successes truly are in alignment with the things that I value most: Health, Family, Love, Learning and Empowering Others. I take care of my health and am in great shape for my age. I (we) have raised our girls to be strong, determined, kind and truly amazing young women. I have a loving, supportive and joyful relationship with my husband. I am always learning and growing. And of course, last but certainly not least, I have a business where I get to teach and empower others every day to be their best and create a happy, successful life for themselves too. Staying focused on what I value most and putting my energy and efforts into creating a life that is always in alignment with those things, are how I can create true happiness and success in life. And that’s where it will start for you too.

Take some time this week to do a little reflecting your life. Journal on the following questions:

  • What do I value most in my life? And am I living by my values?
  • What would true happiness and success look like for me based on what I value most in my life? Have I created that?
  • What would I need to shift in order to refocus or intensify my energy and efforts on to what is most important to me?

Once you’ve journaled out those answers, you might be surprised to find that you really have built your life and greatest successes on what you value most. If that is the case, congratulations! If not, then please let this be your wakeup call… Life is too short to live it unhappy and unfulfilled. But that is exactly what will happen if you are not living focused on what you value most in your life. Put your focus on what’s most important to you and start living a life you can celebrate every day!

***Now, ready to make that life a reality for yourself? Declare your commitment to creating a purposeful life and find out what it takes to do it in The Motivation Manifesto by Brendon Burchard

***I want to hear from you… share your thoughts about this week’s topic below. And be sure to join me for Facebook Live this Wednesday at 2:00pm Mountain (1:00pm PT, 3:00pm CT, 4:00pm ET) on my Facebook Biz Page.