Masterful Mindsets ~ Service to Sacrifice – It can be a slippery slope… (Keep it in Check!)

“The step from service to sacrifice can be a slippery slope.”  ~Michelle Weimer

I hope you took some time last week to complete the journaling exercise about whether you were more of a People Pleaser or someone who suffered from Superwoman Syndrome. Maybe you aren’t either. (Congratulations!) Or maybe you discovered you were both…

My bet is that you do have superwoman tendencies. In today’s fast paced and demanding world, it’s so easy to get caught up in constantly striving to accomplish more and more, as perfectly as possible, without ever asking for help. We “superwomen” want to prove we can do it all but sadly it is often at the expense of ourselves.

I know a lot about Superwoman Syndrome because not only do many of my clients deal with this, but I myself am a recovering superwoman. Yep, I admitted it years ago and yet I still find myself periodically getting caught up in the struggle. The step from service to sacrifice can be a slippery slope. However, now I can recognize when I go over the line from service into sacrifice and that’s when I know I need to “reel it back in” and take care of myself so that I can then be intentional and truly serve at a high level.

It’s great to be kind and of service. It’s also important to strive to do and be your best. But it’s not okay to do those things at the expense of yourself or because the intention behind your actions is a need to prove your own self-worth. So today, I want to give you some tips to help you keep the disease to please or your own superwoman syndrome in check so you can avoid slipping from an intentional place of service to unwanted sacrifice.

Keep life simple. Know what and who are most important to you. Keep the tasks and to-do’s that are most closely related to what’s truly important to you at the top of your priority list and delegate or let go of the rest.

Pause and think before you respond to any request. How will your answer truly affect you and those that matter most to you? Remember when you say yes to something, there is always a corresponding no.  Be sure you weigh your answer before you react or respond to any request made of you.

Be present and in the moment. Rather than in the past or future. Staying present helps you put in more quality time rather than just doing and being busy. It’s not always about the quantity of things you do. Being present also helps you assess how you’re feeling. If you are going past the point of service into sacrifice, it’s time to take a break and do something for yourself. (Maybe even ask for help.)

Let go of perfectionism and know you are enough. It’s an impossible goal and you’ll run yourself into the ground trying to reach it. Instead, set an intention every day for how you want to show up and then be your best self. Journal your successes every night. (You probably rarely give yourself enough credit for what you do succeed at.) Some days you may reach a higher level of self then others, know that it’s okay. The level that is your best today may not be your best tomorrow. Just keep that intention and know you are enough.

Love yourself and practice self-care. Love yourself enough to take care of yourself. Self-care is not selfish. It is essential for living a fully charged life and it will actually help you serve in a greater capacity. You cannot give from an empty cup. So fill your cup regularly and you’ll be amazed at the difference it makes.

When you catch yourself on the slippery slope from service to sacrifice, use the above tips to take off the cape and get back into alignment with your true power. Let your true strength, talents, creativity and passion shine. You have the potential and ability to become less stressed and actually live a fuller, happier and more successful life when you let go of the need to please or be superwoman and instead, you just become your best true you.

***With the holidays in full swing, its an extra important time to keep the Disease to Please and Superwoman Syndrome in check. Grab your Free Holiday Habits Guide HERE.  

***I want to hear from you… Share your comments below. And be sure to join me for more on this subject during my Wednesday Wisdom, Facebook Live at 2:00pm Mountain (1:00pm PT, 3:00pm CT, 4:00pm ET) on my Facebook Biz Page: @CoachMichelleWeimer.