Masterful Mindsets – Celebrating Life

“The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate. ~ Oprah Winfrey

If you’re a part of my community then you know that I’m turning 50 this week so I’ve been talking a lot lately about creating a life worth celebrating. I’ve also been doing a lot of reflecting. I have so much in my life to celebrate and be thankful for. I truly have a life that brings me happiness and joy. But I’ve also lived through a lot of hardships, a ton of life lessons and plenty of failures. Not every day has been champagne and roses. But yet as I reflect, what I see most are the moments to celebrate. The successes from working hard to reach goals. The growth from stepping out of the comfort zone. The triumphs over the difficult times. The love through the heartaches. And most of all, the gift that I am given daily to take another breath and another shot at showing up fully in my life.

My dearest friend of over 35 years passed away before she and I could celebrate our 50th birthdays together. And my mom, well she barely made it over 40. Then there was my sweet, sweet sister-in-law that didn’t even get past her 30s… See, life isn’t guaranteed for any of us. But what we are guaranteed is the opportunity to live and love to our fullest potential while we are alive.

So today, let me ask you to do a little reflecting on your life. Are you living it to the fullest? Do you have more happiness then heartache? Are you creating the life, business, relationships, etc. that you want? Do you focus on the successes, the gifts, the blessings, the joy? You only get one shot at this thing called life and every day really is a gift. But if you’re not living it well then, you’re missing it. And as I already said, there are no guarantees that you get tomorrow’s gift of life. So stop waiting for someday in the future to show up fully and live your dreams. Start creating that life that’s worth celebrating today!

Decide what you must do to begin. Today is that day. And I’m happy to help you create it. But just like baking that birthday cake, if you keep putting in the same ingredients, you’re going to keep getting the same cake. And that might have been fine years ago but if you know you want a different cake now – different outcomes, better health, more freedom, increased income, deeper love, greater success and true happiness – then you’ve got to change what you’re doing to create your cake. You will not get a different result with the same thinking and the same actions that have gotten you to this current point in your life.

I want to challenge you to join me in creating a life worth celebrating. No more waiting! I have talked to a lot of people (especially this year) who are waiting for someday in the future to change things or for things to change. Remember, we are not guaranteed another day or even another minute. Life is uncertain. So it’s time to start living fully now!

I feel blessed to have the life I have but you know what… I am always on a path of growth. And I believe deeply in that path. If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be in the profession I’m in.  This journey does not end until you reach your end. When you get there, will you be able to say you lived to your fullest? Without regret? Let’s go! It’s time to create a life you can celebrate!

***Keeping the celebration going… If you don’t already follow me on Social Media then it’s time to start because I’ve been counting down the last 10 days to my 50th birthday with a gift giveaway for every day. But you won’t get access to the gifts here. You can only find them on my social media pages. Pick the platform you enjoy the most and connect with me there:

Join the Club: Tuff Chicks
Like Me On Facebook: Coach Michelle Weimer
Follow Me On Twitter: YourBestTrueYou
Be Inspired On Instagram: SuccessCoachMichelleWeimer
Link Up On LinkedIn: Michelle Weimer


***I want to hear from you… share your thoughts about this week’s topic below. And be sure to join me for Facebook Live this Wednesday at 2:00pm Mountain (1:00pm PT, 3:00pm CT, 4:00pm ET) on my Facebook Biz Page.